Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Rasool Allah (S.A.W)

Title: 1) SADIQ (2) AMEEN
Known as: AL-MUSTAFA (pbuh&hf)
Born: Friday, 17th of Rabea Al Awwal in Mecca
Grandfather: ABD-UL-MUTTALIB(A.S) Clan Chief of Bani Hashim
Uncle: Abu Taleb(AS) The Clan Chief of Bani Hashim
The Prophet's (P.B.U.H) Foster Father
The Prophet's (P.B.U.H) Protector
Father of Imam Ali Ibin Abe Taleb(A.S)
Children: The Lady Fatimah Al-Zahra(A.S)
Date of death: Monday, 28th Safar 11 AH At the age of 63 years old
Cause of death: Poisoned by an old Jewish woman
Buried in: Al-Medina, in his house adjoining the Great Mosque

Birth of The Prophet
Abdullah, the son of Abd Al-Muttalib, was not in Mecca at the time ofthe miracle of the birds. He had gone for trade to Palestine and Syria with one of the caravans; and on his way home he had lodged with his grandmother's family in Yathrib, and there he had fallen ill.
The caravan went on without him to Mecca and when it brought the news of his illness. His father Abd Al-Muttalib quickly sent Harith to accompany his brother home as soon as he should be well enough to travel.
But when Harith arrived at the house of his Yathrib cousins they answered his greetings with commiserations, and he knew at once that his brother Abdullah was dead.
There was great grief in Mecca when Harith returned. Aminah's onlyconsolation was the unborn child of her dead husband, and her solace increased as the time of her delivery drew near.
She was conscious of a strong light within her One day it shone so intensely from her, that she could see the castles of Bostra in Syria. And then she heard a voice say softly to her, "Thou ,carriest in thy womb, the Lord of this people. When he is born say: 'I place him beneath the protection of the One, from the evil of every envier; Then name him Mohammad." Some weeks later, Aminah gave birth to her child in the home of her uncle.
Then Abd Al-Muttalib took the new born baby boy in his arms and carried him into the Sanctuary of the Holy House, The Kaba. Where he prayed a prayer of thanksgiving to God for this gift. Then he brought him once more to his mother, but on the way he showed him off to his own household. He himself was shortly to have another son, by Aminah's cousin Halah. At the moment his youngest son was the three year old Abbass who now met him at the door of his house. "This is thy brother; kiss him," he said, holding out to him the new-born babe, and Abbass kissed his baby nephew Mohammad(pbuh&hf).

The Life of Prophet Mohammad (Sawa)
Until the advent of Islam, people all over the world were in greatpoverty as to thought, opinions, individual and social attitudes. The world was troubled and submerged with polytheism and idolatry. The fire of corruption was flaming. Superstitions and false views ruled the world in the name of religion. Many worshipped idols, fire, cows and stars. Tribal fights and disputes were very common. The Arabian peninsula was suffering from social, economic, political and other crisis, up to a point where Arabs were facing extinction because of their ignorance and the power of their oppressive neighbours. Allah (S) describes them in the Koran as “…They had been in the abyss of ignorance and misguidance.” (62:2) while in Nahjul-balagah, Imam Ali (AS) describes the social condition of the Arabs in pre-Islam days in the following way, “…society was in such a corrupt state that no true form of religion was followed. Convictions and beliefs about truth and justice were disrespected; basic principles of life had become very divergent; commands of Allah were set at naught; a way out of this vicious chaos seemed impossible and the road to the realm of Allah appeared closed”. It seems that people were in desperate need of the emergence of a heavenly personality who would bear on his capable shoulders the heavy burden of guiding mankind. Leading them away from decay. It was under these circumstances that the promised deliverer Mohammad (P.B.U.H) came into this world. He (P.B.U.H) was born at dawn on Friday, the seventeenth day of Rabi’al-Awwal, 53 years before the migration (Hijra), in the city of Mecca. He was born an orphan, his father having died a few months before his birth. His mother died when he was about six years old, and his grandfather, who was his loving and devoted guardian, died when he was eight years old. He then passed into the care of his uncle (brother of his father) Abu Talib. But Allah was the true guardian as he says “Did he not find thee an orphan and take thee under his protection?…” (93:6). The birth of this most noble messenger was to generate a new energy and inexhaustible vitality in mankind. He appeared at a time much needed by society. At one period of his youth, Mohammad (P.B.U.H) tended sheep and goats upon the neighbouring hills and valleys of Mecca. On one occasion, he undertook a journey to Syria for the purpose of trade with his Uncle Abu Talib. He was twelve years old at the time. As Muhammad (P.B.U.H) acquired fair knowledge and experience of business, and was well spoken of by persons who happened to come in touch with him, some traders engaged him as their representative to conduct important business affairs on their behalf. Muhammad (.B.U.H) so successfully executed these trusts that people respected him and awarded him the title “Amin” (trustworthy). Muhammad (P.B.U.H) went through his youth in an environment polluted with sin, in a dirty society, but this couldn’t affect him the least bit, he was far removed from men and their corruption, he engaged in supplication and armed himself with the weapon of faith. In the course of time Allah (S) was preparing Muhammad (P.B.U.H) by developing his spiritual personality in order to be able to accept the divine message. Mohammad (P.B.U.H) would resort to a cave where he would cultivate his thoughts and meditate, evaluating the creation of universe and man. At the age of forty, Mohammad (P) was prepared to undertake the task of prophethood. One night, while in the cave worshipping, the heavenly message descended upon him (P.B.U.H) ordering him to recite. This was nothing other than revelation. The prophet of Islam had the vision and belief of a world l eader, and he surely was the one most qualified for the position at the time and for times to come. Muhammad (P.B.U.H) called upon people to believe in Allah (S), the one and only God. Ali Ibn Abi Taleb (AS) was the first man to accept the new religion while Khadijah (RA), the Prophet’s wife was the first woman.Mohammad (P.B.U.H) showed extraordinary powers of leadership and political sense and began to refashion the state of humanity. The course of Muhammad’s life underwent many obstacles with varying degrees of hardships. The nature of a human lacking completeness, or the strive for completeness, tends to drive the individual towards rejection of truth. This was evident in Mohammad’s (P.B.U.H) time as individuals and tribes had attempted to lure him to give up his spirituality and his God (SW). But our Prophet was not going to give up the realm of Allah (SW), and no one was going to stop him from achieving his goal. They tried to bribe him with extensive amounts of wealth, but he had replied on one occasion “…Even if you put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left, I would never leave the matter I am pursuing”. And this tradition reflects in a contrasting way and to a certain extent the degree of faith in him, and also the value of the path he was preaching for. We all know the significance of the sun and the moon and their relations to life on earth, without them life would be meaningless. Chiefs of the lands resorted to threaten, torment and torture the prophet (P). Noting that physical torture had resulted in martyrdom of a number of the early faithful Muslims. The severe conditions imposed on the prophet (P.B.U.H) had led him to seek exile to achieve the divine goal. This necessitated his migration to a calm environment after the first thirteen years of hardship and torment. Many events and episodes were to follow with plots to kill him (P.B.U.H). The fact was most of the unfaithful were to remain that way, and persist on the material world. But for those that welcomed the message, even though they were few and weak, they had persisted and helped in the shaping of the new society and the spread of the divine message. Opposition to the prophet continued and he lead the increasingly growing Muslims into battles against the evil ones. Mohammad (P.B.U.H) showed that he is a master strategist in war affairs. The prophet had so much of an effect as a leader ( and this was due to his strong faith and closeness to Allah (SW) ) that a new era of eradication of evil was born. Jihad in the name of Allah and martyrdom became, to the faithful a door to paradise and eternal bliss. This was the energy in their hearts and the enthusiasm to meet their creator - the pleasure that would reach infinity, that was the driving force behind the success of Islam. As time progressed, the last Prophet of Allah’s (SW) mission approached its fulfillment. Until one day he said to the people who were at that stage of time, a hundred thousand, “this day I perfected your religion for you and completed my favours unto you and have chosen Islam as your faith” (5:4). This being a revelation, indicated that his mission had been ful filled. Soon after that, the prophet fell ill and passed away ending a life that has stood unmatched in every respect in human history. A recent study by an Islamic professor on the personality of Muhammad (P.B.U.H) states the following “The personality of Muhammad, it is most difficult to get into the whole truth of it. Only a glimpse of it I can catch. What a dramatic succession of picturesque scenes ? There is Muhammad, the prophet. There is Muhammad, the general; Muhammad, the king; Muhammad, the warrior; Muhammad, the businessman; Muhammad, the preacher; Muhammad, the philosopher; Muhammad, the statesman; Muhammad, the orator; Muhammad, the reformer; Muhammad, therefuge of orphans; Muhammad, the protector of slaves; Muhammad, the emancipator of women; Muhammad, the judge; Muhammad, the saint. And in all these magnificent roles, in all these departments of human activities, he is like a hero”. Indeed humanity owes very much of its civilisation nowadays to the leadership of the Prophet (P), as his super character had left an enduring impact upon a large mass of mankind. “Allah sends down his blessings on the prophet, and his angels constantly invoke blessings on him, do, you O believers, also invoke Allah’s blessings on him and offer him the salutation of peace” (33:57).

In his last hours, the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.) said to his companions who gathered in his house: "Bring me an inkwell and a shoulder-blade so that I will write for you a letter with which you will never go astray..." Then owing to the heaviness of his sickness, he fainted. One of those who were sitting by his bed noticed that and said: "The man speaks deliriously". "Shall we bring you an inkwell and a shoulder-blade?," they asked him shortly after he came around. The Prophet (s.a.w.) turned down their offer saying: "After what you have said? But I would like you to behave kindly to my family..." When he felt he would presently depart he confided to Imam Ali (a.s.) all his personal affairs and those related to closed his eyes and died, with his head was in the lap of Imam Ali (a.s.).(l08) Imam Ali (a.s.) and his family made all the arrangement for his ritual bathing. Then they prayed on him. Imam Ali (a.s.) ordered the Muslims to go in and pray on their great Messenger (s.a.w.) and pay tribute over him. Prayers having been offered, the Commander of the Faithful Ali (a.s.) and the family of the Prophet (s.a.w.), in the presence of a number of his companions, laid the Prophet (s.a.w.) to rest in the very room he had passed away. Thus, humankind lost the greatest among the guides, and the most glorious mentor ever to walk on the earth. May Allah send His blessings to him on the day be was born, on the day he became the means of guiding people and on the day he departed yearning to meet his Lord. And all praise is due to Allah.

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