"About three hundred of us were together with Allah's Messenger in the place named ‘Zawra'. He ordered us to perform ablution for the afternoon prayer, but we could not find water. He then told us to bring a little water, which we did, and he dipped his auspicious hands into it. I saw water running from his fingers like a fountain. His three hundred men performed ablution with that water and drank from it."
Hazrat Anas relates this incident in the name of three hundred men. Is it possible that those three hundred people should not have confirmed him or that none of them should have repudiated him if they had not agreed with him?
2. As narrated in accurate books, in particular Bukhari and Muslim, Jabir b. Abdullah al-Ansari says:
"We, fifteen hundred people, had become thirsty during the battle of Hudaybiya. Allah's Messenger performed ablution from a leather water bag called qirba and then dipped his hand into it. I saw that water was running out of the bag like a fountain. Fifteen hundred people drank from it and filled their water bags."
Once Salim b. Abil-Ja'd asked Jabir, "How many of you were there?" He said, "Water would have sufficed even if there had been a hundred thousand, but we were fifteen hundred."
Since that decisive miracle was witnessed by fifteen hundred Companions of the Prophet, its informants in effect number fifteen hundred, for human nature has a tendency to reject lies. As for the Companions of the Prophet (PBUH), who sacrificed their tribes and persons, their fathers and mothers, their lives and all that they possessed for the sake of truth and veracity, they could not have remained silent in the face of a lie, especially in the light of the warning given by the narration, "Whoever knowingly tells a lie concerning me should prepare for his seat in hellfire." Since they remained silent concerning that report they accepted it, joined Jabir, and confirmed his words.
3. Imam Malik relates in his book, 'Muwatta', through Mu'adh b. Jabal: "During the battle of Tabuk, we found a spring that was barely running in the thickness of a thin piece of string. Allah's Messenger ordered, 'Collect a little water.' They put a little water into his palms. Allah's Messenger washed his face and his hands with the water, which he then put in the spring. Suddenly the outlet of the spring widened and water began to well out, which sufficed the whole army."
Another informant, Imam Ibn Ishaq, reports: "The fountain ran with a noise under the earth like that of thunder. Allah's Messenger said to Mu'adh, 'You will see, if your lifetime suffices, that this miraculous water will transform these places into gardens.' And so it did."
4. Accurate books, including those of brilliant authorities in the science of narration such as Ibn Jabir at-Tabari, relate through an authentic narration from Abu Qatada:
"We were going for help, as the commanders had been martyred in the famous battle of Muta. I had a water bag with me. Allah's Messenger commanded, 'Keep your water bag carefully; there will be great need for it.' Soon after, thirst prevailed. We were seventy-two people. Allah's Messenger said, 'Bring me your water bag.' I did, he took the bag and brought its brim to his lips. I do not know whether he blew into it or not. Then seventy-two men came and drank out of the bag and filled their bags. When I had it back, it was full to the brim just as it had been before."
5. Accurate books of narration, including above all Bukhari and Muslim, narrate through Imran b. Husain: Imran says:
"In a battle, we, together with Allah's Messenger, ran out of water. He said to me and Ali, 'There is a woman in such and such a place, riding her beast that is laden with two water bags. Go and fetch her.' Ali and I went to find her in exactly the same place as described, and brought her to the Prophet. He ordered, 'Pour a little water into a vessel,' which we did, and he prayed for blessing. He then commanded that: “everyone should come to fill their water bags.” All the people came, drank, and filled their bags. Afterwards he ordered: “Collect something for the woman”, and they filled her skirt."
Imran says, "I imagined that the two water bags were constantly filling. Allah's Messenger told the woman, 'You can go now. We did not take water from you; rather Allah gave us from His treasure.'"
6. Narration scholars, primarily Ibn Huzayma in his Sahih, report from Umar:
"We ran out of water during the battle of Tabuk. Some of us had to slaughter their camels to drink what was inside. Abu Bakr as-Siddiq requested that Allah's Messenger should pray. Allah's Messenger raised his hands, and hardly had he lowered them when the clouds gathered and heavy rain began to fall. After we had filled our vessels, the clouds withdrew immediately. In fact, it was only our area that received the rain; it did not fall outside of it." Thus, no chance was involved in the incident; it was purely a miracle of Muhammad (PBUH).
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